Winsomepriyanka's Exhibit

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Winsomepriyanka is a self-taught multidisciplinary artist primarily creating abstract and human anatomy art with acrylic and mixed media art in traditional form, digital form and on the block chain as NFTs and Ordinals. She is based in India. In the last 1 year, Winsome has exhibited in 4 continents across 14 exhibitions. NFT.NYC 2022 & 2023 (New York), Swiss Art Expo (Zurich), Art Basel (Miami), WAGMI Biennale (Kuwait), Casa de Arte, Palma, Spain Art in Space, Dubai

AbsolutLand: Journey To The Cosmos
Punch Hero

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Racing Empire

4 online

Timelock: Puzzle Parkour
Escape Lockdown
Ambient Canvas
One Woman's Metaverse Art Gallery


1 online

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